Call for volunteers

The Western Bulldogs are seeking nominations from Members and Fans to be the face of a new Club campaign to win the hearts and minds of Melbourne’s West.

If you are a passionate Bulldog and can commit to volunteering your time for a minimum of three consecutive days between the 25th February and 2nd March – WE WANT YOU.

Volunteers will be a part of one of five ‘Win the West Blitz Teams’ who will be supported from Whitten Oval to go out into the Western Region, our heartland, to spread the word that the Bulldogs are the team of the Mighty West.

Activities include doorknocking and street walking; handing out information about the Club; collecting information for the Club and encouraging people and businesses to engage with the Bulldogs.

If you:

  • can commit a minimum of three consecutive days of your time between 25th February and 2nd March
  • are friendly, confident and comfortable talking to people about the Bulldogs, and;
  • are happy to collect information for your Club


Sign up here today!

Nominations close Thursday 31st January
Successful nominees will be informed by Thursday 7th February
An information session will be held for successful nominees closer to the date