Name: Lewis Young

Guernsey number: 33

Instagram: @lewisyoung51

Nickname: Lewi, Youngy

Best piece of advice you have recieved from your Mum or Dad: You get what you put in

If you weren't a footballer, what would you be doing: School teaching

Motto you live by: Work hard, never give up

If you could ask one person to be your mentor, who would it be: Lebron James

Preferred timeslot to play matches: Night

Match day superstitions: Pre-game omelette

Worst injury you have had: Nil

How many texts would you send a day: 50

Phone app you couldn't live without: Instagram

Favourite sport other than footy: Basketball

Kendrick Lamar or Kings of Leon? Kendrick Lamar

Big Bash or test cricket? Big Bash

What’s on your “bucket” list? AFL premiership; watch NBA Finals

If you had a yacht what would you call it? Kafran

If you could be on a TV series, what would it be? The Simpsons