Name: Jess Gardner

Guernsey number: 27

Instagram: @jessyg.33

Nickname: Jessy G

Occupation: National Account Manager - McCain Foods

Best piece of advice you have recieved from your Mum or Dad: Treat others the way you would like to be treated

Sporting highlight or greatest achievement to date: Being drafted by the Doggies in 2016/St Kilda Sharks Team of the Decade - 2016

If you weren't a footballer, what would you be doing: Probably watching someone else play footy

Motto you live by: Whatever will be, will be

If you could ask one person to be your mentor, who would it be: Turia Pitt

Morning or Night person? Morning

Match day superstitions: Always need to be wearing my lucky Calvin Klein undies

Worst injury you have had: Tackled into the fence around the ground and busted open my knee

How many texts would you send a day: 15

Phone app you couldn't live without: Facebook

Favourite sport other than footy: Basketball/Surfing

Tea or Coffee: Tea

Savoury or Sweet: Sweet

Go to pump up music pre game: Pitbull

Favourite TV Series: Don’t watch much TV

If you could be on a TV series, what would it be? Orange Is The New Black