Long-time Bulldogs member Pat Hodgson passed away on Friday, aged 90.

A beloved figure within the Club, Hodgson become known for her appearance in the 1997 documentary, Year of the Dogs, that told the story of the turbulent 1996 season through the eyes of her and her daughter Jenny.

A reluctant convert to the game, Hodgson was a fixture at Bulldogs games and training sessions for 40 years, and her lifelong love affair with her ‘darling Doggies’ become the stuff of legend. 

“My husband was always a fan of the footy,” she explained on Year of the Dogs.

“He took me to one game when we were first married, my feet were frozen and I couldn’t move when it was time to come home and I just said, ‘don’t ever take me again.’

“When Jenny was interested, I become interested and I become very hooked on it, and that was just the start of it.”

Martin Flanagan dedicated his book on the 2016 premiership ‘A Wink from the Universe’ to her and Jenny, and tributes were flowing on social media on Saturday morning.

“Footscray supporters are very devoted, and I just think it’s the backbone of Footscray, the team and that oval up there,” she said. 

“It’s your suburb, your team, your boys playing for you.” 

And that’s exactly what the Luke Beveridge’s Bulldogs will be doing on Saturday night.

Rest well, Pat.