Name: Emma Kearney

Nickname: Kearney or Kearnz

Twitter Handle: @kearney_em11

Instagram Handle: @_emmakearney89

Occupation: Teacher

Sporting highlight: Playing my first ever game for the Western Bulldogs and playing for the Melbourne Stars is on par.

If you weren't a footballer, what would you be doing: Staying warm during winter

Motto you live by: Be More Bulldog

If you could ask one person to be your mentor, who would it be: Danny Southern

Morning or night person: Night

Preferred timeslot to ply matches: Night (prime time)

Match day superstitions: Eat 12 Weetbix for breakfast

Worst injury you have had: Broken wrist

How many texts would you send a day: 2

Phone app you couldn't live without: Weatherzone

Favourite sport other than footy: Synchronized swimming

Tea or coffee: Tea

Savoury or sweet: Savoury

Go to pump up music pre-game: Shania Twain

Favourite movie: Home Alone

Favourite TV series: Modern Family

If you could be on a TV series, what would it be: Breaking Bad