Name: Brooke Lochland

Guernsey number: 1

Twitter: @brookelochland

Instagram:  @brookelochland

Occupation: Customer Service Manager - Gym

Best piece of advice you have recieved from your Mum or Dad: Dad always says to just Nike it!

Sporting highlight or greatest achievement to date: World Cup Top 5 Ice Skating

If you weren't a footballer, what would you be doing: I would probably still be skating in Europe

Motto you live by: If you are not out there, someone else is

If you could ask one person to be your mentor, who would it be: Just take a little advice from everyone

Morning or Night person? Both!

Preferred timeslot to play matches: Night matches have a great atmosphere

Match day superstitions: Can't go without coffee and a few sips of Red Bull

Worst injury you have had: I have been lucky enough to have no injuries, touch wood!

How many texts would you send a day: Depends how many texts my Squad group send out

Phone app you couldn't live without: Snapchat for sure

Favourite sport other than footy: I don't think I have a favourite but watching any Olympic sport is always inspirational

Tea or Coffee: Can't go a day without coffee!

Savoury or Sweet: Savoury

Go to pump up music pre game: Anything other than Gab Pounds pre-game playlist ;)

Favourite Movie: Any Leonardo De Caprio movie

Favourite TV Series: Wentworth

If you could be on a TV series, what would it be? A Day on Orange Is The New Black would be fun.