Photos: May Bailey

Jedd Busslinger
26 disposals, 10 marks, seven rebound 50s, six intercepts

“Jedd was pretty good down there. With guys going up to AFL level it was really only him and Buku as senior-listed players in the backline, but they both held their own pretty soundly. Jedd was also involved in the offensive game a lot – we’re still working on some defensive things, but he’s really reliable down there which is awesome.”

Rory Lobb
13 disposals, four marks, four tackles, 15 hit-outs, one goal

“Lobby gave us some good looks – he’s always such a prominent target for us up forward. To be able to kick to him as a tall timber makes a big difference, and his aerial presence is massive. He probably could’ve hit the scoreboard a little bit more I think, but it was good to see he finished with a goal. His presence is always felt out there.” 

Charlie Clarke
11 disposals, four marks, three inside 50s, one goal

“Charlie was lively again. He works really hard in terms of trying to get to the drop of ball and trying to get those scoring opportunities. He’s still building his defensive running up but is always lively and brings such a good energy and good vibe. It’s great when he’s up and about – he just needs to continue to try and hit the scoreboard as much as he can.” 

Ryley Sanders
24 disposals, four tackles, six clearances

“It was a really solid game from Ryley, who played inside mid for the majority of the day. His numbers in terms of possessions were really high quality too and he’s getting the balance right of running offensively and defensively. That’s the big challenge for him – to just continue to improve in that area. It’s been really pleasing to see his development over the last couple of weeks since coming back into the VFL.” 

Oskar Baker
18 disposals, six marks, two inside 50s

“Oskar was on the wing for most of the day and was good. Some of his involvements in terms of using his speed on the outside and running those wing patterns nicely – he was involved in a couple of really nice chains of ball movement too by changing angles which helped unlock what we were trying to do defensively. Oskar’s pretty reliable on the wing.”

Jordan Croft
Six disposals, four marks, two goals

“It was great for Crofty to hit the scoreboard early in the game. He’s continuing to get better and is super competitive. The way he goes about it – he’s always got a smile on his face, and he’s great to coach and develop. He’s continuing to work on his timing and craft in terms of following up the ball, but you always know you’ll get a contest from him. It’s really pleasing for him, in his first year, to be building and improving each week.” 

Buku Khamis
14 disposals, six marks, three rebound 50s, 11 intercepts

“Buku was really solid. His intercepting is his strength – I was speaking to him about it after coming back to the VFL following five or six weeks in the AFL team, and I just think him being able to fly at the ball, and take strong marks or intercept is a huge strength. We went through some stuff after the game but he’s really well-placed to continue to improve and hopefully, like Ryley, continue to push his name up to earn another senior opportunity.”

Caleb Poulter
30 disposals, eight marks, seven inside 50s, five clearances, two goals

“I would say this was Poults’ best game of the year at VFL level. His numbers obviously look good on paper, but it was his defensive stuff that I thought stood out as a wing. Being able to run the patterns offensively and in that defensive phase to help the guys out down there was great. To hit the scoreboard and use the power in his leg is always pleasing to see too. It was a really, really impressive game from Caleb.” 


Dom Bedendo
13 disposals, eight marks, four goals

“For Dommy to kick four goals is always pleasing as a forward. He’s continuing to work on his contest stuff and just get to as many contests as he can - putting himself in the right spot to try and win the ball or bring it to ground for the small forwards to get an opportunity. It was great to see Dom get some reward for effort on the scoreboard.”

Anthony Scott
23 disposals, four marks, five inside 50s, six clearances, two goals

“Scotty was really good. I think the balance of his inside and outside work was great, particularly in the last quarter when he went inside while the game was sort of in the balance. He really took on the responsibility for a few clearances and a couple of goals as well. It was really pleasing to see after having quite an interrupted run so far. To get these last 2-3 weeks together puts him in a really good position.” 

Lachie McNeil
18 disposals, eight marks, four tackles, three inside 50s, three goals

“Lachie started the game on fire – he kicked a few goals in the first quarter and really got us going in there. Similar to Charlie Clarke as a small forward, we’re just trying to help him get the balance right defensively which will see him get the reward on the scoreboard after. His inside 50 stuff was really lively, and to hit the scoreboard on three occasions this time was great.” 

Arthur Jones
Seven disposals, four marks

“Arty is building towards a game where he can hit the scoreboard multiple times. His aerial presence is quite impressive – he took a couple of really big contested marks on the weekend. He’s continuing to work on the ground level stuff as a small forward – when the ball hits the ground, just being really lively, hard and clean with it and then finishing off his work – I think that would just be the polish on his game. I’d say the way he’s building though, he’s not far away from a complete and consistent performance.” 

Lachie Smith
Nine disposals, three tackles, three clearances, 26 hit-outs

“Lachie was great – his last month has been really impressive for a young kid. To come in undersized against most opponents and also inexperienced, he’s able to halve most contests to get some clearances while his follow-up work is really impressive too. He’s continuing to build every game he plays – it’s a pleasure to see him get some reward in terms of possessions and other stats. He’s super competitive and the boys love playing with him.”